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The Quasar components are presented here in alphabetical order. You might want to try out the components in the order that is reasonable for your usecases. QInput e.g. might be a good start. Please see here for all available Quasar components.



import justpy as jp

async def start_bar(self, msg):
    wp =
    await wp.ajax_bar.run_method('start()', msg.websocket)

async def stop_bar(self, msg):
    wp =
    await wp.ajax_bar.run_method('stop()', msg.websocket)

def ajax_bar_example():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    d = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    # temp=False is important because this generates an id for the element that is required for run_method to work
    wp.ajax_bar = jp.QAjaxBar(position='bottom', color='accent', size='10px', skip_hijack=True, a=d, temp=False)
    btn_start = jp.QBtn(color='primary', label='Start Bar', a=d, click=start_bar, style='margin-right: 20px')
    btn_stop = jp.QBtn(color='primary', label='Stop Bar', a=d, click=stop_bar)
    return wp



QBtnToggle component is similar to a radio group but with buttons.

import justpy as jp

# Example from
my_chart_def = """
        chart: {
            type: 'bar'
        title: {
            text: 'Chart of Type Bar'
        xAxis: {
            categories: ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges']
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Fruit eaten'
        series: [{
            name: 'Jane',
            data: [1, 0, 4]
        }, {
            name: 'John',
            data: [5, 7, 3]

def button_change(self, msg):
    self.chart.options.chart.type = self.value
    self.chart.options.title.text = f'Chart of Type {self.value}'

def button_toggle_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    chart_type = jp.QBtnToggle(toggle_color='red', push=True, glossy=True, a=wp, input=button_change, value='bar', classes='q-ma-md')
    for type in ['bar', 'column', 'line', 'spline']:
        chart_type.options.append({'label': type.capitalize(), 'value': type})
    chart_type.chart = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, classes='q-ma-lg', options=my_chart_def)
    return wp



The Color Picker can be used to select colors.

import justpy as jp

def color_change(self, msg): = f'color: {self.value}'

def input_test2():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'color': ''})
    in1 = jp.QInput(filled=True, style='width: 400px', a=wp, model=[wp, 'color'], classes="q-pa-md", input=color_change)
    j = jp.parse_html("""
        <q-icon name="colorize" class="cursor-pointer">
                <q-popup-proxy transition-show="scale" transition-hide="scale">
                  <q-color name="color_input"/>
    in1.add_scoped_slot('append', j)
    color_input = j.name_dict['color_input']
    color_input.model = [wp, 'color']
    color_input.on('change', color_change)
    in1.div = jp.Div(text='Change this text color using QInput above', classes="q-pa-md text-h4", a=wp)
    color_input.div = in1.div
    return wp


QDate and QTime

The Date Picker and Time Picker components can be used to input date and time.

import justpy as jp

html_string = """
<div class="q-pa-md">
    <div class="q-gutter-sm">
      <q-badge color="teal" name="badge" classes="text-h3"/>
      <q-badge color="purple" text-color="white" class="q-ma-md">
        Mask: YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm

    <div class="q-gutter-md row items-start">
      <q-date  mask="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" color="purple" name="date"/>
      <q-time  mask="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" color="purple" name="time"/>

def date_time_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'date': '2020-01-01 07:00'})
    d = jp.parse_html(html_string, a=wp)
    for c in ['badge', 'date', 'time']:
        d.name_dict[c].model = [wp, 'date']
    return wp


Using Function Style Property

In order to use a function-style property with QDate, the following is necessary:

    qd = jp.QDate()
    qd.events_date = "(date) => {return date[9] %3 === 0}"

Note that the mapping of property names is a little bit tricky. In Quasar, the property is named Due to the fact that 'events' is a reserved property in JustPy, the property is called events_date in the Python domain. However the evaluate_prop list is only analyzed in the JS domain, where the property name is 'events'.

Date and Time as QInput slots

import justpy as jp


def input_test3():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'date': '2019-02-01 12:44'})
    in1 = jp.QInput(filled=True, style='width: 400px', a=wp, model=[wp, 'date'], classes="q-pa-md")
    date_slot = jp.parse_html("""
    <q-icon name="event" class="cursor-pointer">
          <q-popup-proxy transition-show="rotate" transition-hide="rotate">
            <q-date mask="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" name="date"/>
    time_slot = jp.parse_html("""
        <q-icon name="access_time" class="cursor-pointer">
          <q-popup-proxy transition-show="scale" transition-hide="scale">
            <q-time mask="YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" format24h name="time"/>
    date_slot.name_dict['date'].model = [wp, 'date']
    time_slot.name_dict['time'].model = [wp, 'date']
    in1.prepend_slot = date_slot
    in1.append_slot = time_slot
    return wp

Or you can arrive at the same result by creating a reusable component (class):

Date and Time as QInput slots as class component

import justpy as jp


class QInputDateTime(jp.QInput):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.mask = '####-##-## ##:##'
        date_slot = jp.QIcon(name='event', classes='cursor-pointer')
        c2 = jp.QPopupProxy(transition_show='scale', transition_hide='scale', a=date_slot) = jp.QDate(mask='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', name='date', a=c2)

        time_slot = jp.QIcon(name='access_time', classes='cursor-pointer')
        c2 = jp.QPopupProxy(transition_show='scale', transition_hide='scale', a=time_slot)
        self.time = jp.QTime(mask='YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm', format24h=True, name='time', a=c2) = self
        self.time.parent = self = self.value
        self.time.value = self.value
        self.prepend_slot = date_slot
        self.append_slot = time_slot'input', self.date_time_change)
        self.time.on('input', self.date_time_change)
        self.on('input', self.input_change)

    def date_time_change(self, msg):
        self.parent.value = self.value = self.value
        self.parent.time.value = self.value

    def input_change(self, msg): = self.value
        self.time.value = self.value

def input_test4():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    QInputDateTime(filled=True, style='width: 600px', a=wp, classes="q-pa-md", value='')
    QInputDateTime(filled=True, style='width: 600px', a=wp, classes="q-pa-md", value='2020-03-01 12:44')
    QInputDateTime(filled=True, style='width: 600px', a=wp, classes="q-pa-md", value='2021-04-01 14:44')
    QInputDateTime(filled=True, style='width: 600px', a=wp, classes="q-pa-md", value='2022-05-01 18:44')
    return wp



Quasar provides a versatile QDialog component. Checkout the many options in the Quasar documentation.

In the program below, two examples are implemented.

When a Dialog is closed by the user, it generates an input event.

The v-close-popup directive closes the dialog automatically when the associated button is clicked. Use v_close_popup in JustPy commands.

import justpy as jp

alert_dialog_html = """
<div class="q-pa-md q-gutter-sm">
    <q-btn label="Alert" color="primary" name="alert_button" />
    <q-dialog name="alert_dialog" persistent>
          <div class="text-h6">Alert</div>

          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Rerum repellendus sit voluptate voluptas eveniet porro. Rerum blanditiis perferendis totam, ea at omnis vel numquam exercitationem aut, natus minima, porro labore.

        <q-card-actions align="right">
          <q-btn flat label="OK" color="primary" v-close-popup />

seamless_dialog_html = """
<div class="q-pa-md q-gutter-sm">
    <q-btn label="Open seamless Dialog" color="primary" name="seamless_button" />

    <q-dialog seamless position="bottom" name="seamless_dialog">
      <q-card style="width: 350px">
        <q-linear-progress :value="0.6" color="pink" />

        <q-card-section class="row items-center no-wrap">
            <div class="text-weight-bold">The Walker</div>
            <div class="text-grey">Fitz & The Tantrums</div>

          <q-space />

          <q-btn flat round icon="play_arrow" />
          <q-btn flat round icon="pause" />
          <q-btn flat round icon="close" v-close-popup />

def open_dialog(self, msg):
    self.dialog.value = True

def dialog_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()

    c = jp.parse_html(alert_dialog_html, a=wp)
    c.name_dict["alert_button"].dialog = c.name_dict["alert_dialog"]
    c.name_dict["alert_button"].on('click', open_dialog)

    c = jp.parse_html(seamless_dialog_html, a=wp)
    c.name_dict["seamless_button"].dialog = c.name_dict["seamless_dialog"]
    c.name_dict["seamless_button"].on('click', open_dialog)

    return wp



Quasars QDrawer is the sidebar part of QLayout which allows you to configure your views as a 3x3 matrix, containing optional left-side and/or right-side Drawers. The example below shows a minimal implementation of a collapsible side bar in JustPy.

Quasar Drawer example see
import justpy as jp

def toggle_visible_drawer(self, msg):
    self.drawer.value = not self.drawer.value

def qdrawer_page():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()

    btn_drawer = jp.QBtn(

    wp_layout = jp.QLayout(a=wp)
    PageContainer = jp.QPageContainer(a=wp_layout)
    pageText = jp.Div(a=PageContainer, text="page container")

    drawer = jp.QDrawer(
    btn_drawer.drawer = drawer
    ScrollArea = jp.QScrollArea(classes="fit", a=drawer)
    c2 = jp.Div(a=ScrollArea, text="scroll area left")

    return wp



See also quasar vue expansion-item The QExpansionItem component allows the hiding of content that is not immediately relevant to the user. Think of them as accordion elements that expand when clicked on. It’s also known as a collapsible.

They are basically QItem components wrapped with additional functionality. So they can be included in QLists and inherit QItem component properties.

QExpansionItem Example 1

Three expansion items are defined in a loop. All three are added to a QList instance. Each expansion item includes a QCard with a QCardSection with text.

import justpy as jp

sample_text = """
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Quidem, eius reprehenderit eos corrupti
            commodi magni quaerat ex numquam, dolorum officiis modi facere maiores architecto suscipit iste
            eveniet doloribus ullam aliquid.

def quasar_expansion_item1():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    d = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md", style="max-width: 350px", a=wp)
    item_list = jp.QList(classes="rounded-borders", padding=True, bordered=True, a=d)
    for info in [("perm_identity", "Account settings"), ("signal_wifi_off", "Wifi settings"), ("drafts", "Drafts")]:
        expansion_item = jp.QExpansionItem(icon=info[0], label=info[1], a=item_list, header_class='text-purple',
                                           dense=True, dense_toggle=True, expand_separator=True)
        card= jp.QCard(a=expansion_item)
        jp.QCardSection(text=sample_text, a=card)

    return wp


QExpansionItem Example 2

In this example we define a custom component based on QExpansionItem. This component adds an image from the site Lorem Picsum to the expansion item and in addition formats the expansion item.

import justpy as jp

class My_expansion(jp.QExpansionItem):

    image_num = 10      # Start from image 10, previous are boring to my taste

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        outer_div = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md", a=self)
        jp.QImg(src=f'{My_expansion.image_num}', a=outer_div)
        self.icon = "photo"
        self.label = f'Image {My_expansion.image_num}'
        self.value = True
        self.expand_separator = True
        self.header_class = "bg-teal text-white text-overline"
        My_expansion.image_num += 1

def quasar_expansion_item2(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(dark=False)
    d = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md ", style="max-width: 500px", a=wp)
    jp.Link(href='', text='Quasar Expansion Item Example', target='_blank',
            classes="text-h5 q-mb-md", a=d, style='display: block;')
    add_btn = jp.QBtn(label='Add Image', classes="q-mb-md", color='primary', a=d)
    close_btn = jp.QBtn(label='Close All', classes="q-ml-md q-mb-md", color='negative', a=d)
    open_btn = jp.QBtn(label='Open All', classes="q-ml-md q-mb-md", color='positive', a=d)
    l = jp.QList(bordered=True, a=d)
    wp.list = l
    l.add_component(My_expansion(), 0)

    def add_pic(self, msg):, 0)
    add_btn.on('click', add_pic)

    def close_pics(self, msg):
        for c in
            c.value = False
    close_btn.on('click', close_pics)

    def open_pics(self, msg):
        for c in
            c.value = True
    open_btn.on('click', open_pics)

    return wp




The Quasar QInput component is very versatile and comes with many features and options. Almost all are supported by JustPy.

QInput like Input creates an input event when its value changes.

The program below puts on the page several QInput elements with different features. All are connected using the the same model attribute.

Several QInput elements

import justpy as jp

def input_test5(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'text': ''})
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)
    c3 = jp.QInput(label='Standard', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c4 = jp.QInput(filled=True, label='Filled', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c5 = jp.QInput(outlined=True, label='Outlined', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c6 = jp.QInput(standout=True, label='Standout', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c7 = jp.QInput(standout='bg-teal text-white', label='Custom standout', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c8 = jp.QInput(borderless=True, label='Borderless', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c9 = jp.QInput(rounded=True, filled=True, label='Rounded filled', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c10 = jp.QInput(rounded=True, outlined=True, label='Rounded outlined', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c11 = jp.QInput(rounded=True, standout=True, label='Rounded standout', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c12 = jp.QInput(square=True, filled=True, label='Square filled', hint='This is a hint', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c13 = jp.QInput(square=True, outlined=True, label='Square outlined', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    c14 = jp.QInput(square=True, standout=True, label='Square standout', a=c2, model=[wp, 'text'])
    return wp


Using Slots

import justpy as jp

def input_test6(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)
    icon1 = jp.QIcon(name='event', color='blue')
    icon2 = jp.QIcon(name='place', color='red')
    for slot in ['append', 'prepend', 'before']:
        in1 = jp.QInput(label=slot, filled=True, hint=f'Icon is in slot "{slot}" and "after"', a=c2, after_slot=icon2)
        #in1.after_slot = icon2    # Alternative to keyword method used in line above
        setattr(in1, slot + '_slot', icon1)
    return wp


Password Visibility Toggle Example

import justpy as jp

def input_test7(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)

    password_input = jp.QInput(filled=True,  type='password', a=c2, hint="Password with toggle")
    visibility_icon = jp.QIcon(name='visibility_off', classes='cursor-pointer')
    visibility_icon.password_input = password_input

    password_input.append_slot = visibility_icon

    def toggle_password(self, msg):
        if == 'visibility_off':
   = 'visibility'
   = 'visibility_off'
            self.password_input.type = 'password'

    visibility_icon.on('click', toggle_password)

    return wp


Or better yet, as a reusable component

PasswordWithToggle as a reusable component

import justpy as jp

class PasswordWithToggle(jp.QInput):

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.type = 'password'
        visibility_icon = jp.QIcon(name='visibility_off', classes='cursor-pointer')
        visibility_icon.password_input = self
        self.append_slot = visibility_icon
        visibility_icon.on('click', self.toggle_password)

    def toggle_password(self, msg):
        if == 'visibility_off':
   = 'visibility'
            self.password_input.type = 'text'
   = 'visibility_off'
            self.password_input.type = 'password'

def input_test8(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'text': ''})
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)
    for i in range(1,6):
        PasswordWithToggle(filled=True,  type='password', a=c2, hint=f'Password with toggle #{i}')
    return wp


Input Masks

import justpy as jp

def input_test9(request):
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'text': ''})
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)
    jp.QInput(filled=True, label='Phone', mask='(###) ### - ####', hint="Mask: (###) ### - ####", a=c2)
    return wp


Input Validation

In the example below, a regular expression is used to validate a field as the user is typing (you of course may use instead any one of the available data validation packages). It uses QInput's error and error_message props.

import justpy as jp
import re

email_regex = re.compile(r"(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)")

def input_change(self, msg):
    if re.match(email_regex,self.value):
        self.error = False
        self.error = True
        self.error_message = 'Enter valid email address'
        self.bottom_slots = True

def input_test10():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    in1 = jp.QInput(label='Enter email', style='width: 150px; margin: 20px', a=wp, input=input_change)
    return wp


You can also use QInput's internal validation prop rules. The prop needs to be a list that contains a string that represents JavaScript functions. See the examples in the Quasar documentation

QInput internal validation with rules

import justpy as jp

def input_test11():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    in1 = jp.QInput(label='Enter email', style='width: 150px; margin: 20px', a=wp, lazy_rules=False)
    in1.rules = ["val => val.length <= 3 || 'Please use maximum 3 characters'"]
    return wp


QInputChange and QInputBlur - Disabling the Input Event

In some cases the debounce feature may not be sufficient to provide a good user experience. This may happen when users type in bursts. Setting debounce to 1000 almost always solves these problems but there is another option if the large debounce is causing other issues. You can disable the input event altogether and capture the value of the QInput when it loses focus.

You can control this yourself by setting the disable_input_event attribute to True or use the predefined QInputChange and QInputBlur components. QInputBlur will only update the value of the field when the component loses focus. QInputChange will update the value when the change event is fired. Both are very similar except that change will also fire when the Enter key is pressed and focus remains on the component.

The regular QInput component generates an event each time a character is typed into the field. In some case this is not necessary and may put unwanted burden on the server. If you are not implementing a look ahead or validating the field on the server as the user is typing, it is preferable to use QInputChange and QInputBlur instead of QInput. QInputChange and QInputBlur live demo

import justpy as jp

def my_blur(self, msg):
    event handler for loosing the focus
    self.div.text = self.value

def input_demo_quasar1(request):
    show how the blue event works
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    c1 = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    c2 = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-md', style='max-width: 300px', a=c1)
    in1 = jp.QInputBlur(a=c2,placeholder='Please type here', label='QInputBlur')
    in1.div = jp.Div(text='What you type will show up here only when Input element loses focus',
                      classes='text-h6', a=c2)
    in1.on('blur', my_blur)
    return wp


Yahoo Stock Charts Example


You need to install the pandas-datareader package to run this example

In the example below we define a component which simplifies entering dates. Click on the calendar icon of the QInput elements to have the a QDate element pop-up.

Using a ticker and the dates provided by the user, data is retrieved from Yahoo and a chart is displayed.

This is also an example of how you would change a Quasar button to the loading state while data is being retrieved.

import justpy as jp
from pandas_datareader import data as pdr
import datetime
import functools

epoch = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
grouping_units = [['week', [1]], ['month', [1, 2, 3, 4, 6]]]

chart_dict = {
    'rangeSelector': {'selected': 1},
    'yAxis': [
        {'labels': {'align': 'right', 'x': -3}, 'title': {'text': 'OHLC'}, 'height': '60%', 'lineWidth': 2, 'resize': {'enabled': True}},
        {'labels': {'align': 'right', 'x': -3}, 'title': {'text': 'Volume'}, 'top': '65%', 'height': '35%', 'offset': 0, 'lineWidth': 2}
    'tooltip': {'split': True},
    'series': [
        {'type': 'candlestick', 'tooltip': {'valueDecimals': 2}, 'dataGrouping': {'units': grouping_units}},
        {'type': 'column', 'name': 'Volume', 'yAxis': 1, 'dataGrouping': {'units': grouping_units}}

class QInputDate(jp.QInput):
    Custom Quasar date input field widget

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        date_slot = jp.QIcon(name='event', classes='cursor-pointer')
        c2 = jp.QPopupProxy(transition_show='scale', transition_hide='scale', a=date_slot) = jp.QDate(mask='YYYY-MM-DD', name='date', a=c2) = self = self.value
        self.append_slot = date_slot'input', self.date_time_change)
        self.on('input', self.input_change)
        self.proxy = c2

    async def date_time_change(self, msg):
        handle datetime field change
        self.parent.value = self.value = self.value
        await self.parent.proxy.run_method('hide()', msg.websocket)

    def input_change(self, msg):
        handle input field value changes
        """ = self.value

def convert_date(date_string):
    convert given date string to datetime object
    date = datetime.datetime.strptime(str(date_string), '%Y-%m-%d')
    return (date - epoch).total_seconds()*1000

async def get_chart(self, msg):
    handle get_chart button click by retrieving the data from yahoo and displaying it as chart
    self.loading = True
    self.loading = False
    data_reader = functools.partial(pdr.DataReader, data_source='yahoo', start=self.start_date.value, end=self.end_date.value)
    error_msg = ""
    data = None
        data = await jp.JustPy.loop.run_in_executor(None, data_reader, self.ticker.value)
        if data is None:
            error_msg = f'No data available for "{self.ticker.value}"'
    except KeyError as e:
            error_msg = f"{self.ticker.value}: Invalid input ({e})"
    except Exception as e:
        error_msg = e
    if data is not None:
        data['Date'] = data.index.astype(str)
        chart = jp.HighStock(, classes='q-ma-md', options=chart_dict, style='height: 600px')
        o = chart.options
        ticker = self.ticker.value
        o.title.text = f'{ticker} Historical Prices'
        x = list(data['Date'].map(convert_date))
        o.series[0].data = list(zip(x, data['Open'], data['High'], data['Low'], data['Close']))
        o.series[0].name = ticker
        o.series[1].data = list(zip(x, data['Volume']))
    self.error_msg.text = error_msg

async def stock_test(request):
    Setup stock test webpage

        stock test webpage
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(highcharts_theme='grid')
    d = jp.Div(classes="q-ma-md q-gutter-md row", a=wp)
    ticker = jp.QInput(label='Ticker', a=d, value='MSFT')
    start_date = QInputDate(a=d, label='Start Date', standout=True, value='2007-01-01')
    end_date = QInputDate(a=d, label='End Date', standout=True, value='2019-12-31')
    b = jp.QBtn(label='Get Chart', a=d, start_date=start_date, end_date=end_date, ticker=ticker, click=get_chart, loading=False)
    b.error_msg = jp.Div(a=wp)
    return wp


QList and QItem

Use the QList component to group items in a list.

import justpy as jp

def check_box_clicked(self, msg):
    wp =

    def my_filter(var):
        for letter in self.value:
            if var.startswith(letter):
                return True
        return False

    filtered_list = list(filter(my_filter, wp.list_item_text))

    for c in wp.q_list.components:
        if c.components[0].text not in filtered_list:
   = False
   = True

def reactive_list_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    d = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md", style="max-width: 400px", a=wp)
    wp.list_item_text = ['apple', 'ad', 'aardvark', 'again', 'bean', 'bath', 'beauty', 'can', 'corner', 'capital']
    wp.q_list = jp.QList(dense=True, bordered=True, padding=True, classes="rounded-borders", a=d)
    for word in wp.list_item_text:
        q_item = jp.QItem(clickable=True, v_ripple=True, a=wp.q_list)
        jp.QItemSection(text=word, a=q_item)

    option_group = jp.QOptionGroup(type='checkbox', color='green', a=d, input=check_box_clicked, value=['a', 'b', 'c'],
                                   inline=True, classes='q-ma-lg',
                    options=[{'label': 'A words', 'value': 'a'}, {'label': 'B words', 'value': 'b'}, {'label': 'C words', 'value': 'c'}])

    return wp



Use the QOptionGroup component to group radio buttons, checkboxes or toggles.

Use instead of QRadio always.

In the example below, the type of the chart is based on the radio button selection.

import justpy as jp

# Example from
my_chart_def = """
        chart: {
            type: 'bar'
        title: {
            text: 'Chart of Type Bar'
        xAxis: {
            categories: ['Apples', 'Bananas', 'Oranges']
        yAxis: {
            title: {
                text: 'Fruit eaten'
        series: [{
            name: 'Jane',
            data: [1, 0, 4]
        }, {
            name: 'John',
            data: [5, 7, 3]

def radio_change(self, msg):
    self.chart.options.chart.type = self.value

def option_group_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    chart_type = jp.QOptionGroup(color='red', a=wp, inline=True, input=radio_change, value='bar')
    for type in ['bar', 'column', 'line', 'spline']:
        chart_type.options.append({'label': type.capitalize(), 'value': type})
    chart_type.chart = jp.HighCharts(a=wp, classes='q-ma-lg', options=my_chart_def)
    return wp



Quasar Rating is a Component which allows users to rate items.

It generates an input event each time it is clicked with the value of the input being the rating.

import justpy as jp

def quasar_rating_test1():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage(data={'rating': 2})
    d = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md', a=wp)
    rating_div = jp.Div(classes='q-gutter-y-md column', a=d)
    jp.QRating(size='1.5em', icon='thumb_up', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='2em', icon='favorite_border',color='red-7', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='2.5em', icon='create',color='purple-4', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='3em', icon='pets',color='brown-5', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='4.5em', icon='star_border',color='green-5', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='5em', icon='star_border',icon_selected='star',color='grey', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'],
               color_selected=['light-green-3', 'light-green-6', 'green', 'green-9', 'green-10'])
    jp.QRating(size='5em', icon='star_border',icon_selected='star',color='green-5', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'])
    jp.QRating(size='3.5em', max=4,color='red-5', a=rating_div, model=[wp, 'rating'],
               icon=['sentiment_very_dissatisfied', 'sentiment_dissatisfied', 'sentiment_satisfied', 'sentiment_very_satisfied'])
    return wp


QRating With tooltips

import justpy as jp

def quasar_rating_test2():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    wp.tailwind = True
    num_stars = 3
    r = jp.QRating(size='2em', max=num_stars, color='primary', classes='m-2 p-2', a=wp, value=2, debounce=0)
    for i in range(1,num_stars + 1,1):
        t = jp.QTooltip(text=f'{i} rating')
        r.add_scoped_slot(f'tip-{i}', t)
    return wp



The QSplitter component allows containers to be split vertically and/or horizontally through a draggable separator bar.

This component has three scoped slots or slots for short: ['before_slot', 'after_slot', 'separator_slot']

QSplitter generates an input event when the the user changes the panes.

In the example below change the the panes and see the value of the splitter refelected in the chip at the bottom of the page and in the avatar that was put in the separator_slot.

import justpy as jp

lorem = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Quis praesentium cumque magnam odio iure quidem, quod illum numquam possimus obcaecati commodi minima assumenda consectetur culpa fuga nulla ullam. In, libero.'

def quasar_splitter_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()

    before = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md')
    jp.Div(text='Before', classes='text-h4 q-mb-md', a=before)
    for i in range(20):
        jp.Div(text=f'{i}. {lorem}', a=before, classes='q-my-md')

    after = jp.Div(classes='q-pa-md')
    jp.Div(text='After', classes='text-h4 q-mb-md', a=after)
    for i in range(20):
        jp.Div(text=f'{i}. {lorem}', a=after, classes='q-my-md')

    s = jp.QSplitter(style='height: 400px', a=wp, classes='q-ma-lg')
    s.separator_style='width: 3px'
    s.before_slot = before
    s.after_slot = after

    chip = jp.QChip(a=wp, classes='q-ma-lg')
    value_avatar = jp.QAvatar(text='50', color='red', text_color='white', a=chip)
    jp.Span(text='Splitter value', a=chip)

    s.value_avatar = value_avatar

    def splitter_input(self, msg):
        self.value_avatar.text = int(self.value)

    s.on('input', splitter_input)
    s.separator_slot = value_avatar

    return wp



Quasars Qtree component allows displaying hierarchical data in a tree structure.

import justpy as jp

async def expand_tree(self, msg):
    return await self.tree.run_method('expandAll()', msg.websocket)

async def collapse_tree(self, msg):
    return await self.tree.run_method('collapseAll()', msg.websocket)

def quasar_tree_test():
    wp = jp.QuasarPage()
    d = jp.Div(classes="q-pa-md q-gutter-sm", a=wp)
    node_string = """
          label: 'Satisfied customers (with avatar)',
          avatar: '',
          children: [
              label: 'Good food (with icon)',
              icon: 'restaurant_menu',
              children: [
                { label: 'Quality ingredients', icon: 'favorite' },
                { label: 'Good recipe' }
              label: 'Good service (disabled node with icon)',
              icon: 'room_service',
              disabled: true,
              children: [
                { label: 'Prompt attention' },
                { label: 'Professional waiter' }
              label: 'Pleasant surroundings (with icon)',
              icon: 'photo',
              children: [
                  label: 'Happy atmosphere (with image)',
                  img: ''
                { label: 'Good table presentation' },
                { label: 'Pleasing decor' }

    b1 = jp.QBtn(label='Expand', a=d, click=expand_tree)
    b2 = jp.QBtn(label='Collapse', a=d, click=collapse_tree)

    tree = jp.QTree(a=d, node_key='label', nodes=node_string, tick_strategy="leaf", no_connectors=False, default_expand_all=True)
    d1 = jp.Div(text='', a=d)

    def my_updated(self, msg):
        print('in my updated')
        d1.text = str(msg.value)
    tree.on('update:ticked', my_updated)

    b1.tree = tree
    b2.tree = tree
    return wp
