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HTML Components

JustPY supports components corresponding to HTML and SVG tags. The name of the component is the same as the name of the HTML tag with the first letter capitalized. For example, we already saw the Div and P components that correspond to the the div and p HTML tags. JustPy supports all tags that put elements on the page and are not deprecated in HTML 5.

Simple example with three HTML components

import justpy as jp

def html_comps1():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    jp.I(text='Text in Italic', a=wp)
    jp.Strong(text='Text in the Strong element', a=wp)
    return wp

  • The i HTML tag displays text typically in italics.
  • The br HTML tag produces a line break.
  • The strong HTML tag is typically rendered in bold type.

The JustPy function get_tag, creates an instance of a component based on the HTML tag. Its first argument is a string with the tag and the rest of the arguments are the identical optional keyword arguments for the class __init__ method. The program below is equivalent to the one above:

Simple example with three HTML components using get_tag

import justpy as jp

def html_comps2():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    jp.get_tag('i', text='Text in Italic', a=wp)
    jp.get_tag('strong', text='Text in the Strong element', a=wp)
    return wp


It is also possible to get the same formatting using the the Div component with the appropriate Tailwind classes:

Tailwind formatting with Div

import justpy as jp

def html_comps3():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    jp.Div(text='Text in italic', a=wp, classes='italic')
    jp.Div(text='Text in bold', a=wp, classes='font-bold')
    return wp


If you do not need the semantic information the specialized tags provide, it is more convenient to use Div, P, or Span with the appropriate Tailwind classes or style attribute.

Container Elements

Many HTML elements can have children elements. In JustPy parlance, an element can contain other elements.

import justpy as jp

def html_comps4():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    for i in range(10):
        d = jp.Div(a=wp, classes='m-2')
        for j in range(10):
            jp.Span(text=f'Span #{j+1} in Div #{i+1}', a=d, classes='text-white bg-blue-700 hover:bg-blue-200 ml-1 p-1')
    return wp


In the program above, in each iteration of the outer loop a new Div element is created and in the inner loop, ten Span elements are added to it. This is done using the a=d keyword argument.

Change the element created in the inner loop from a Span to a Div, P, or I and see what happens.

Common Attributes

HTML components have common attributes as well as specific ones. JustPy components support the following global attributes for all HTML components: contenteditable, dir, tabindex, title, accesskey, draggable, lang, hidden

In this example we use the contenteditable, dir, and lang attributes:

import justpy as jp

def html_comps5():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    for j in range(10):
        p = jp.P(text=f'אני אוהב לתכנת בפייתון', a=wp, contenteditable=True, classes='text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 ml-1 p-1 w-1/2')
        p.dir = 'rtl'
        p.lang = 'he'
    return wp


The text in each P element is made editable by setting contenteditable to True (using a keyword argument). We set dir to "rtl" (right-to-left) and lang to "he" (the language code for Hebrew). We do so by setting the attribute directly though we could have used a keyword argument.

Run the program and try editing some text. You will see also that the Hebrew text is rendered right to left.

Specific Attributes

Some components have specific attributes. For example, the img HTML tag has the src attribute that specifies the URL for the image. Run the following program:

import justpy as jp

def html_comps6():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    for degree in range(0, 361, 10):
        image = jp.Img(src='', a=wp)
        image.classes = 'm-4 p-4 inline-block' = f'transform: rotate({degree}deg)'
        image.height = 100
        image.width = 100 = degree

        def straighten1(self, msg):
   = f'transform: rotate(0deg)'

        def rotate_back1(self, msg):
   = f'transform: rotate({}deg)'

        def no_rotate1(self, msg):
   = 0

        image.on('mouseenter', straighten1)
        image.on('mouseleave', rotate_back1)
        image.on('click', no_rotate1)

    return wp


The program renders on the page a progression of images of the Python Powered logo each rotated 10 degrees relative to the former image. When the mouse enters an image, it "straightens" and when it leaves, it returns to its original rotation. If you click on an image, it does not rotate anymore.

The images are added inside a loop. In each iteration of the loop, an image is added to the page. The src attribute designates where to fetch the image from, in our case the website. As you see in this example, you can combine Tailwind classes (or any CSS classes) with setting the style attribute. Here, the style is set to rotate the image based on the loop variable. We also set the height and width attributes of the image to 100.

The program then sets the degree attribute of the image to the loop variable. It will be used in the event handlers that define the interaction with the mouse.


degree is a different kind of attribute than src, height, and width. It is a user defined attribute that is not part of the HTML specification. In the JustPy component definitions, attributes that are part of the HTML specification are explicitly identified and handled accordingly.

The mouse event handlers change the style and class attributes of the element as needed using the degree attribute of the image if required. For clarity, the event handlers are defined inside the loop, but they could be defined just once outside the loop or outside the request handler. We could also set the attributes as keyword arguments and the result is the following:

Setting Attributes with keyword arguments

import justpy as jp

def straighten2(self, msg): = f'transform: rotate(0deg)'

def rotate_back2(self, msg): = f'transform: rotate({}deg)'

def no_rotate2(self, msg): = 0

def html_comps7():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    for degree in range(0, 361, 10):
        jp.Img(src='', a=wp,
                classes='m-4 p-4 inline-block', style=f'transform: rotate({degree}deg)', height=100, width=100,
                degree=degree, mouseenter=straighten2, mouseleave=rotate_back2, click=no_rotate2)
    return wp


In JustPy you create hyperlinks using the A component which corresponds to the a HTML tag.

The A component is also named Link (in case you want to use a more descriptive name).

import justpy as jp

def link_demo1():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    jp.A(text='Python Org', href='', a=wp, classes='m-2 p-2 text-xl text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700')
    return wp


The link above goes to the web page. If you want the link to open in a new window, set the target attribute of the A component instance to '_blank'

If you want to link to an element on the page, use the bookmark attribute and assign to it the element you want to link to. If you want to scroll to the element, instead of jumping instantly, set the scroll attribute to True.

scroll example

import justpy as jp

def link_demo2():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    link = jp.A(text='Scroll to target', a=wp, classes='inline-block m-2 p-2 text-xl text-white bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700')
    # jp.Br(a=wp)
    for i in range(50):
        jp.P(text=f'{i+1} Not a target', classes='m-1 p-1 text-white bg-blue-300', a=wp)
    target = jp.A(text=f'This is the target - it is linked to first link, click to jump there', classes='inline-block m-1 p-1 text-white bg-red-500', a=wp)
    link.bookmark = target
    link.scroll = True
    target.bookmark = link
    for i in range(50):
        jp.P(text=f'{i+50} Not a target', classes='m-1 p-1 text-white bg-blue-300', a=wp)
    return wp



The ul tag together with the li tag can be used to create lists. The corresponding JustPy components are Ul and Li.

import justpy as jp

def list_demo():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    my_list = jp.Ul(a=wp, classes='m-2 p-2')
    for i in range (1,11):
        jp.Li(text=f'List one item {i}', a=my_list)
    my_list = jp.Ul(a=wp, classes='m-2 p-2 list-disc list-inside')
    for i in range(1, 11):
        jp.Li(text=f'List two item {i}', a=my_list, classes='hover:bg-gray-200')
    my_list = jp.Ul(a=wp, classes='m-2 p-2 list-decimal list-inside')
    for i in range(1, 11):
        jp.Li(text=f'List three item {i}', a=my_list)
    return wp


The program above creates three lists. Use the list-disc and list-decimal Tailwind classes to get bulleted or numeric lists. The list-inside class controls the positions of the markers of the list. If you choose to put them outside, make sure there is enough room to render them.

Showing and Hiding Elements

All JustPy components use the show boolean attribute to determine whether an element should be rendered on the page. If show is False, the element will not be on the page at all.

If you want the element to be on the page, but be invisible, use the visible and invisible Tailwind classes (or appropriate style values). When an element is invisible, the page structure stays the same.

Run the following program and see the difference by clicking both buttons.

import justpy as jp

button_classes='m-2 bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded'

def show_demo():
    wp = jp.WebPage()
    b = jp.Button(text='Click to toggle show', a=wp, classes=button_classes)
    d = jp.Div(text='Toggled by show', classes='m-2 p-2 text-2xl border w-48', a=wp)
    b.d = d
    jp.Div(text='Will always show', classes='m-2', a=wp)

    def toggle_show(self, msg): = not

    b.on('click', toggle_show)

    b = jp.Button(text='Click to toggle visibility', a=wp, classes=button_classes)
    d = jp.Div(text='Toggled by visible', classes='m-2 p-2 text-2xl border w-48', a=wp)
    d.visibility_state = 'visible'
    b.d = d
    jp.Div(text='Will always show', classes='m-2', a=wp)

    def toggle_visible(self, msg):
        if self.d.visibility_state == 'visible':
            self.d.visibility_state = 'invisible'
            self.d.visibility_state = 'visible'

    b.on('click', toggle_visible)
    return wp
