Iris Flower Dataset Visualization¶
The Iris flower dataset is used as a test case in machine learning.
The data set consists of 50 samples from each of three species of Iris (Iris setosa, Iris virginica and Iris versicolor). Four features were measured from each sample: the length and the width of the sepals and petals, in centimeters. Based on the combination of these four features, Fisher developed a linear discriminant model to distinguish the species from each other.
- Wikipedia
The idea for this visualization comes from seaborn which uses the Iris dataset to demonstrate its pairplot and PairGrid features.
## The Visualization
Please run the program below:
import justpy as jp
import pandas as pd
iris = pd.read_csv(
iris_stats = iris.describe().round(3)
iris_stats.insert(loc=0, column="stats", value=iris_stats.index)
iris_species = list(iris["species"].unique())
# Create a dictionary of frames per iris species
iris_species_frames = {}
for s in iris_species:
iris_species_frames[s] = iris.loc[iris["species"] == s]
async def click_point(self, msg):
# print(msg)
return await self.select_point(
{"id": chart_id, "series": msg.series_index, "point": msg.point_index}
for chart_id in self.chart_list
if != chart_id
async def tooltip_formatter(self, msg):
# print(msg)
tooltip_html = f"""
<div style="color: {msg.color}"><span>●</span> {msg.series_name}</div>
<div style="color: {msg.color}">{self.col1}: {msg.x}</div>
<div style="color: {msg.color}">{self.col2}: {msg.y}</div>
await self.draw_crosshair(
{"id": chart_id, "series": msg.series_index, "point": msg.point_index}
for chart_id in self.chart_list
return await self.tooltip_update(tooltip_html, msg.websocket)
def iris_data():
wp = jp.WebPage(highcharts_theme="gray", title="Iris Dataset", debug=True)
text="Iris Dataset",
classes="text-3xl m-2 p-2 font-medium tracking-wider text-yellow-300 bg-gray-800 text-center",
d1 = jp.Div(classes="m-2 p-2 border-2", a=wp)
chart_list = []
for i, col1 in enumerate(iris.columns[:4]):
d2 = jp.Div(classes="flex", a=d1)
for j, col2 in enumerate(iris.columns[:4]):
if i != j: # Not on the diagonal
chart = jp.HighCharts(
a=d2, style="width: 300px; height: 300px", classes="flex-grow m-1"
chart.chart_list = chart_list
chart.on("tooltip", tooltip_formatter)
chart.tooltip_y = 85
chart.on("point_click", click_point)
chart.col1 = col1
chart.col2 = col2
o = chart.options
o.chart.type = "scatter"
o.chart.zoomType = "xy"
o.title.text = ""
o.legend.enabled = False
o.credits.enabled = (
False if i < 3 or j < 3 else True
) #
o.xAxis.title.text = col2 if i == 3 else ""
o.yAxis.title.text = col1 if j == 0 else ""
o.xAxis.crosshair = o.yAxis.crosshair = True
for k, v in iris_species_frames.items():
s = jp.Dict() = k
s.allowPointSelect = True # = 8 = list(zip(v.iloc[:, j], v.iloc[:, i]))
chart = jp.Histogram(
list(iris.iloc[:, j]),
style="width: 300px; height: 300px",
classes="flex-grow m-1",
o = chart.options
o.title.text = ""
o.legend.enabled = False
o.xAxis[0].title.text = col2 if i == 3 else ""
o.xAxis[1].title.text = ""
o.yAxis[0].title.text = col1 if j == 0 else ""
o.yAxis[1].title.text = ""
o.credits.enabled = False if i < 3 or j < 3 else True
# Add two grids, first with the data and second with statistics describing the data
classes="m-2 p-2",
style="height: 500px; width: 800px",
classes="m-2 p-2 border",
style="height: 500px; width: 950px",
return wp
On the page you will see 16 charts. The charts show the pairwise scatter plots between the four features in the dataset (the length and the width of the sepals and petals in centimeters) except for the charts on the diagonal which are histograms of each feature.
When you mouse over one of the pairwise charts, you will see a tooltip with information about the point the mouse is over. Also, you will see crosshairs in the other pariwise charts highlighting the same point on those charts. If you click a point, it will also be shown as selected in the other charts.
The program uses pandas' capabilities to read CSV files and manipulate the data.
This code could be used as a basis for a component that could be reused with different data sets.